Get Started
We have kept it as simple as possible.
Terrain Size and Detail
Understand the concept of terrain size and detail in World Creator.
Watch this introduction video to get an idea of how World Creator works and looks like and what you can do with it.
Understand coloring your terrain using Materials.
Explains what Filters are, how they are added, and, explains the concept of Level Steps.
Sand Simulation
Learn how to add sand to a terrain.
Distributions and Effects
Explains what Distributions and Effects are and how to use them.
Snow Simulation
Learn how to add snow to a terrain.
Fluid Simulation
Learn how to add water to a terrain.
Using Masks
Explains what masks are and how to use them to apply filters and materials on your terrain by design.
Debris Simulation
Learn how to add debris to a terrain.
2D Stamp Layers
Import custom height maps along with their color maps to add stamps to your terrain.
Create a terrain from scratch using brushes and paint tools.
Primitive Layers
Add amazing procedural primitives such as circles, cones, donuts, squares, toruses, and more to your terrain.
3D Stamp Layers
Import custom models with their textures to add true 3D stamps to your terrain, which you can also rotate.
Landscape Layers
Add landscape layers to create different types of terrain surfaces such as craters, volcanoes, mountains, and more.
Real-World Data with MapTiler
Set up and use MapTiler to stream real-world data from beautiful planet Earth directly onto your World Creator terrain.
Polygon Layers
Create polygons to create angled mountains, lakes, and further different type of terrain characteristics.
Vector Path Layers
Create any type of path to create roads, mountains, crevices, canyons, and more.
Explains how to export the traditional way to another application of your choice.
River Layers
Automatically create rivers with a single click, then adjust the sources and flows as needed.
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